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We present a new technique for obtaining a positive definite (PD) correlation matrix from a stressed target matrix within the context of Advanced Stressed Value at Risk, (cf. Dash ). The technique uses the spherical decomposition and a “nearest neighbor” technique. The advantage is that...
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We present the framework for a distressed bond model. The utility is as a proxy for calculating the risk of a distressed bond portfolio. We elaborate several possible implementations and give an example
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In the recent Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision proposed the shift from the 99% Value-at-Risk (VaR) to the 97.5% Expected Shortfall (ES) for internal models in market risk assessment. Inspired by the above transition, we introduce a new...
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Calculating risk measures can be extremely time consuming for large portfolios. Monte Carlo and historical value at risk and expected shortfall calculations can require repricing 1,000s of positions 1,000s of times. This makes risk calculations extremely challenging when the pricing functions...
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The standard approach to discretizing VARs uses tensor grids. However, when the VAR components exhibit significant unconditional correlations or when there are more than a few variables, this approach creates large inefficiencies because some discretized states will be visited with only...
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We show how to reduce the problem of computing VaR and CVaR with Student T return distributions to evaluation of analytical functions of the moments. This allows an analysis of the risk properties of systems to be carefully attributed between choices of risk function (e.g. VaR vs CVaR); choice...
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We extend the model presented in Bonollo et al. by introducing a multiscenario framework that allows for a richer and more realistic specification, including non-static (stochastic) probabilities of default and losses given default. Though more complex from a computational point of view, the...
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This paper deals with the effects of concentration (single name and sectoral) and contagion risk on credit portfolios. Results are obtained for the value at risk of the portfolio loss distribution, in the analytical framework originally developed by Vasicek in 1991 [1]. VAR is expressed as a sum...
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I propose a Bayesian quantile VAR to identify and assess the impact of uncertainty and certainty shocks, unifying Bloom's (2009) two identification steps into one. I find that an uncertainty shock widens the conditional distribution of future real economic activity growth, in line with a risk...
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We propose a novel empirical approach to inform monetary policymakers about the potential effects of policy action when facing trade-offs between financial and macroeconomic stability. We estimate a quantile vector autoregression (QVAR) for the euro area covering the real economy, monetary...
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