Showing 1 - 10 of 135
What predicts returns on assets with "hard-to-value" fundamentals, such as Bitcoin and stocks in new industries? We propose an equilibrium model that shows how rational learning enables return predictability through technical analysis. We document that ratios of prices to their moving averages...
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In this paper, we forecast industry returns out-of-sample using the cross-section of book-to-market ratios and investigate whether investors can exploit this predictability in portfolio allocation. Cash-flow and return forecasting regressions show that cross-industry book-to-market ratios...
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We document that several well known asset-pricing implications of accruals differ for investment and non-investment-related components. Exposure to an investment-accruals factor explains the cross-section of returns better than the accruals themselves, and this factor's returns are negatively...
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Motivated by the Campbell-Shiller present-value identity, we propose a new method of forecasting dividend growth that combines out-of-sample forecasts from 14 individual predictive regressions based on common return predictors. Combination forecast methods generate robust out-of-sample...
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We investigate whether transaction costs, arbitrage risk, and short-sale constraints explain the abnormal returns of volatility-managed equity portfolios. Even using five cost-mitigation strategies, after accounting for transaction costs, volatility management of common asset-pricing factors...
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Betting-against-risk (BAR) anomaly portfolios formed on past beta and idiosyncratic / total volatility produce large CAPM alphas. But these return spreads are well explained by the Fama--French six-factor model (FF6). Operating profitability, investment, and momentum factors subsume the low-risk...
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Recent evidence shows that monetary policy announcements convey significant information about expected market returns and are therefore good candidates for innovations in intertemporal-asset pricing state variables. I propose an asset pricing model with the market return and a mimicking...
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To consistently earn positive alpha, active fund managers must have access to mispriced stocks. We show that mispricing varies by equity class in such a way that greater mispricing occurs in smaller-cap and more value-oriented stocks, providing opportunity for managers in these classes....
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We successfully replicate the main results of Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006): Aggregate-volatility risk and idiosyncratic volatility (IV) are each priced in the cross-section of stock returns from 1963 to 2000. We also examine the pricing of volatility outside the original time period and...
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Using the Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2013) news-based measure to capture economic policy uncertainty (EPU) in the United States, we find that EPU positively forecasts log excess market returns. A one-standard deviation increase in EPU is associated with a 1.5% increase in forecasted 3-month...
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