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Credit risk is often summarized by ordinal rating systems employed by credit rating agencies or bank credit departments. Assessing the power and utility of those rating systems is obviously important but can be quite challenging to demonstrate and to explain.This brief note contributes a new...
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The objective of the paper is to survey the literature on capital structure theory, both traditional and modern …
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quantities driven by common factors, which hinders achieving a neat definition of a correlation premium. We formulate a model … returns: an average correlation premium. This premium is both statistically and economically significant, and considerably …-series behavior of the premium for the risk of changes in asset correlations (the premium for correlation risk), including its inverse …
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Ex ante (expected) average equity market correlation is linked to the differential correlation dynamics of growth and … existence of a homogeneous correlation among stocks with similar growth characteristics, depending on the prevailing … link to growth options and the value premium, implied correlation serves as a leading procyclical state variable. Value …
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law of one price, and is present in all but risk-neutral economies. We test the cross-sectional predictions of our theory … equity than for assets, and stronger for more levered firms — consistent with the theory. We test also the timeseries … implications of the theory. Time variation in asset ivol causes time variation in the option value of equity that translates into …
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This paper derives a robust online equity trading algorithm that achieves the greatest possible percentage of the final wealth of the best pairs rebalancing rule in hindsight. A pairs rebalancing rule chooses some pair of stocks in the market and then perpetually executes rebalancing trades so...
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We study heterogeneity in the comovement of corporate bonds and equities, both at the bond level and at the firm level. Using an extended Merton model, we illustrate that corporate bonds that mature late relative to the rest of the bonds in its issuer's maturity structure should have stronger...
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This paper breaks the correlation risk premium down into two components: a premium related to the correlation of …
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We propose a Multivariate Volatility Regulated Kelly strategy, which has extra penalization on variance compared to the Kelly criterion. The objective function is constructed and solved. We show the superiority of our method in relative low correlated portfolios, relatively to fractional Kelly...
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correlation changes (affecting diversification benefits) is priced. We propose a direct and intuitive test by comparing option ….0% for DJ30) and realized correlations (32.5% and 35.5%, respectively) is direct evidence of a large negative correlation … to the high price of correlation risk. Finally, we provide evidence that option-implied correlations have remarkable …
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