Showing 1 - 10 of 178
Are market experts prone to heuristics, and if so, do they transfer across closely related domains--buying and selling? We investigate this question using a unique dataset of institutional investors with portfolios averaging $573 million. A striking finding emerges: while there is clear evidence...
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Are market experts prone to heuristics, and if so, do they transfer across closely related domains --- buying and selling? We investigate this question using a unique dataset of institutional investors with portfolios averaging $573 million. A striking finding emerges: while there is clear...
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The incentive contracts of delegated investment managers may have unintended negative consequences for asset prices. I show that managers who are compensated for relative performance optimally shift their portfolio weights towards those of the benchmark when volatility rises, putting downward...
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We study qualitative information disclosure by mutual funds when investors learn from these disclosures in addition to past performance. We show theoretically that fund managers with specialized strategies optimally choose to disclose detailed strategy descriptions, while managers with...
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In this paper, we identify and document the empirical characteristics of the key drivers ofconvertible arbitrage as a strategy and how they impact the performance of convertible arbitragehedge funds. We show that the returns of a buy-and-hedge strategy involving taking a longposition in...
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In diesem Papier wird das Handelsverhalten großer Marktteilnehmer während des Versuchs einer künstlich erzeugten Marktknappheit untersucht. Wir betrachten den in London gehandelten Bond-Future Kontrakt. Unter Verwendung der Cash- und Future-Transaktionen von Händlern und Kunden untersuchen...
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Die London Stock Exchange hat im Jahr 1997 dem Publikum die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, durch die Abgabe von limitierten Ordern bei bestimmten Aktien direkt mit den Händlern zu konkurrieren. Anders als bei der NASDAQ, wurde in London für diese Aktien auch die Verpflichtung für die Händler...
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