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Risk classification refers to the use of observable characteristics by insurers to group individuals with similar … expected claims, to compute the corresponding premiums, and thereby to reduce asymmetric information. Permitting risk … undesirable equity consequences and undermine the implicit insurance against reclassification risk which legislated restrictions …
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This paper decomposes government spending into its temporary and permanent components using Baker’s et. al. economic policy uncertainty (EPU) in a bivariate SVAR setting with long-run constraints, a la Blanchard and Quah (1989). To illustrate the applicability of the bivariate moving average...
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accumulation in which households face idiosyncratic income risk and cannot commit to repay their debt. Therefore, even though a …
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Despite the use of VaR as a means to control risk, using VaR can have the opposite effect. VaR is used by bank and … insurance regulators more than any other risk measure. A value-at-risk (VaR) constraint on the probability that future firm … systemic risk, the large banks, to use VaR constraints thereby encouraging the banks to which the global financial system is …
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Despite the use of VaR as a means to control risk, using VaR can have the opposite effect. VaR is used by bank and … insurance regulators more than any other risk measure. A value-at-risk (VaR) constraint on the probability that future firm …
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This paper studies the life cycle consumption-investment-insurance problem of a family. The wage earner faces the risk … of a health shock that significantly increases his probability of dying. The family can buy term life insurance with … income shock induces the need to reduce the insurance coverage, since premia become less affordable. Since such a reduction …
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