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This paper examines the controversy involving international trade by employing a simple model. It analyzes the effects of unilateral technological improvements in one entity on the welfare of that entity and its trading partners. Improvements in one country are irreversible and lead to...
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La relación entre la generación de tecnología y el desarrollo económico dependen de factores que condicionan a la primera y la hacen más o menos provechosa, tales como el tipo de tecnología que se produce, quién, cómo y dónde se genera, cómo se difunde y quién se apropia. Las...
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Es sabido que, a pesar de las mejoras que tuvieron lugar en los últimos años, las exportaciones de varios países de América Latina y el Caribe aún se encuentran por debajo de su potencial y de lo que cabría esperar en función de sus niveles de desarrollo. Lo mismo sucede con el grado de...
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Es sabido que, a pesar de las mejoras que tuvieron lugar en los últimos años, las exportaciones de varios países de América Latina y el Caribe aún se encuentran por debajo de su potencial y de lo que cabría esperar en función de sus niveles de desarrollo. Lo mismo sucede con el grado de...
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Based on two extensions, this paper proposes a re-appraisal of the concept of the pollution terms of trade (PTT) introduced by Antweiler (1996). First, detailed data allows capturing the effect of differences in emission intensities across countries and over time. Second, relying on Johnson and...
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This paper shows, using a simple model, that wasteful innovations may result in a loss-loss situation where no country experiences an increase in welfare. If some countries introduce innovations that result in harmful effects on other countries, it may cause the adversely affected countries to...
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We establish the following stylized facts: (1) Exports are characterized by Big Hits, (2) the Big Hits change from one period to the next, and (3) these changes are not explained by global factors like global commodity prices. These conclusions are robust to excluding extractable products (oil...
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It is well known that, despite improvements in recent years, a number of LAC countries' exports still remain below their potential and what would be expected judging from their levels of development. The same holds for their degrees of export diversification (Blyde et al., 2014). In addition,...
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This article intends to present the up-to-date situation of EU and China in the innovation activity and the complementarities and cooperation between them. We analyze also, the evolution in one of the most suggestive results of the innovation, i.e. the international trade with medium and...
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The relationship between technology generation and economic development depends on factors that condition such technology generation and determine its usefulness: for example, the type of technology produced; who, how, and where it is generated; how it is disseminated; and who appropriates it. The...
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