Showing 66,531 - 66,540 of 66,941
В статье критически рассматриваются факторы, препятствующие модернизации российской экономики, которые представляют наибольшую угрозу для перевода экономики...
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В статье анализируются итоги развития инвестиционной сферы Татарстана на этапе рыночных трансформаций 1990-2000-х гг., в том числе в сравнении со значениями...
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В статье дается характеристика трансформационного процесса в экономической системе. Отражается природа и характер трансформационного процесса. Обсуждается...
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В статье на основе существующих подходов к пониманию институциональных изменений предлагается авторская концепция, учитывающая политические, экономические,...
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Рассматриваются проблемы государственного регулирования экономики при смешанной экономической системе на федеральном и региональном уровнях в условиях...
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/subsidy policies, we analyze the interaction between privatization and FDI. We find that the incentive for FDI increases with … privatization. However, the possibility of FDI reduces the degree of privatization. Our paper shows that FDI policies reducing the … fixed-cost of undertaking FDI may need to complement the privatization policies to attract FDI and to improve domestic …
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<Para ID="Par1">Large, extensively diversified pyramidal business groups of listed firms dominate the histories of developed economies and the economies of developing economies. While such groups (called zaibatsu in Japan) are thought to have provided coordination for big push growth successfully in...</para>
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Economic conditions are improving in Sri Lanka, and are likely to show strong growth. The current account remains strong, and tourism arrivals are rapidly improving. Monetary conditions are stable, and the central bank’s policy stance is appropriate. Reforming the board of investment will...
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Serbia’s Second Review under the Stand-By Arrangement and requests for Waiver of Performance Criterion are examined. The contraction in GDP has been limited relative to regional comparators, but absorption and external trade have fallen faster than expected. Foreign parent banks have rolled...
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This report provides an assessment of fiscal transparency practices in Hungary in relation to the requirements of the IMF Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency. The report reveals that Hungary has increased its level of transparency in a number of areas since the last fiscal Report on...
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