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We examine the Foreign Exchange (FX) spot price spreads with and without Last Look on the transaction. We assume that brokers are risk-neutral and they quote spreads so that losses to latency arbitrageurs (LAs) are recovered from other traders in the FX market. These losses are reduced if the...
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This paper applies recently developed procedures to monitor and date so-called "financial marketdislocations", defined as periods in which substantial deviations from arbitrage parities take place. In particular, we focus on deviations from the triangular arbitrage parity for exchange rate...
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The latest BIS Triennial Survey shows that global foreign exchange trading increased to more than $6 trillion per day. Trading bounced back strongly following a dip in 2016, buoyed by increased trading with financial clients such as lower-tier banks, hedge funds and principal trading firms....
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Often, investors fully hedge their portfolios for currency risk. This can lead to significant drag in performance for currencies with negative carry. However, not hedging the foreign currency exposure can lead to significant drawdowns, especially for conservative investments. In this paper, we...
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Past trends in fundamentals linked to economic activity and inflation predict currency returns. We find that a trading strategy that goes long currencies with strong economic momentum and short currencies with weak economic momentum exhibits an annualized Sharpe ratio of 0.70 and yields a...
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We use survey expectations about future monetary policy to decompose excess returns on fed funds futures and overnight index swaps into a term premium and an expectation error component. We find that excess returns are primarily driven by expectation errors, while term premia are economically...
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theory …
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I identify intraday jumps and cojumps in exchange rates controlling for volatility patterns and relate these events to pre-scheduled macroeconomic news and market conditions. Event study results show that preceding jump and cojump events, exchange rate quote volume, illiquidity, signed order...
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In this study a regime switching approach is applied to estimate the chartist and fundamentalist (c&f) exchange rate model originally proposed by Frankel and Froot (1986). The c&f model is tested against alternative regime switching specifications applying likelihood ratio tests. Nested...
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Carry returns have been widely observed in the FX market. This study exploits the common information embedded in several factors previously identified as relevant to carry trade returns. We find that the extracted common factor successfully models the time series and cross-sectional...
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