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In a model where investors disagree about the fundamentals of two stocks, the state price density depends on investor disagreements for both stocks, especially the larger stock. This implies that disagreement among investors in a large firm has a spillover effect on the pricing of other stocks...
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law of one price, and is present in all but risk-neutral economies. We test the cross-sectional predictions of our theory … equity than for assets, and stronger for more levered firms — consistent with the theory. We test also the timeseries … implications of the theory. Time variation in asset ivol causes time variation in the option value of equity that translates into …
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Stock prices aggregate the beliefs of different investors. Using this insight, we estimate the fraction of stock market investors holding survey beliefs. We find that 42% of investors hold beliefs matching those of equity analysts and 25% hold beliefs as observed in individual investor return...
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I build a price-ratio model based on the Campbell and Shiller (1988) decomposition to test which components of investor expectations best explains cross-sectional price differences. I evaluate the in- and out-of-sample performance of my model, which uses a higher-order expansion with an added...
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reported that the model can explain the stylized facts of financial market such as heavy tails and volatility clustering …
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We study a class of endowment economies with long-run risks in which agents have generalized recursive smooth ambiguity preferences and heterogeneous beliefs. The expected growth rate of aggregate consumption consists of a persistent component. Agents cannot observe the component but learn about...
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successfully replicates (1) the volatility of stock prices and (2) the positive correlation between the price dividend ratio and …
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tractable and qualitatively matches many of the empirical regularities in a stock price, its mean return, volatility, and … to a higher stock volatility and trading volume. We demonstrate that otherwise identical two-investor heterogeneous …
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It is generally believed that excessive stock market volatility reflects non-mathematical market expectations that are …
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