Showing 151 - 160 of 183
Past analysis using EBRI’s proprietary Retirement Security Projection Model® (RSPM) has found that roughly 44 percent of Baby Boomer and Gen X households are projected to be at-risk of running short of money in retirement, assuming they retire at age 65 and retain any net housing equity in...
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This paper provides estimates for savings needed to cover health insurance to supplement Medicare and out-of-pocket expenses for health care services in retirement. Medicare generally covers only about 60 percent of the cost of health care services (not including long-term care) for Medicare...
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In recent years there have been a number of policy proposals that call into question the value of existing defined contribution plans. However, the suggested alternatives do not provide a detailed analysis of the impact of terminating defined contribution plans on retirement income adequacy for...
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This paper begins with a review of the previous academic literature and summarizes previous Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) research analyzing the conditions under which voluntary-enrollment (VE) 401(k) plans are likely to provide an accumulation of retirement assets at least...
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This paper updates previous estimates by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) on savings needed to cover health insurance premiums and health care expenses in retirement. This report discusses the model used to estimate the amount of savings needed, the savings targets, and reasons for...
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This Issue Brief examines the changes in private pension plan participation for defined benefit and defined contribution plans and the impact of these changes on the sources of retirement income. The Employee Benefit Research Institute's Retirement Income Projection Model is used to quantify how...
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In recent years, the prospect of increasing individual interest in annuitizing retirement savings has been enhanced through an insurance product designed to provide monthly benefits only after a significant deferral period in retirement. In 2014, one of the major constraints of using this type...
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This article examines pension participation of working household heads using the Federal Reserve Board's Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). First, the percentage of working household heads that work for an employer who offers a plan and the percentage that actually participate is estimated...
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One of the major findings in each of the last five annual retirement income adequacy studies by EBRI was that the retirement income adequacy prospects for Gen Xers were approximately the same as for Baby Boomers. However, recent studies by other organizations suggest Gen Xers will fare much...
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This paper provides new results showing how many years into retirement Baby Boomer and Gen Xer households are simulated to run short of money, by preretirement income quartile. It begins with a brief introduction of the various methods of quantifying retirement income adequacy, along with a...
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