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We review heterogeneous agent-based models of financial stability and their application in stress tests. In contrast to the mainstream approach, which relies heavily on the rational expectations assumption and focuses on situations where it is possible to compute an equilibrium, this approach...
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This paper aims to shed light on the emergence of systemic risk in credit systems. By developing an interbank market with heterogeneous financial institutions granting loans on different network structures, we investigate what market architecture is more resilient to liquidity shocks and how the...
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A stable financial system is a prerequisite for well-functioning market exchanges, which, in turn, allow reaping the benefits of economic specialisation and trade. In many countries around the world, the benefits of modern finance are taken for granted. Financial stability comes to the forefront...
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We set out a stylised framework for the policies enacted to address the risks posed by systemically important institutions (SIIs) and to counter the too-big-to-fail (TBTF) problem, examining conceptually how far supervisory and resolution policies are complementary or substitutable. The...
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to this crisis has focused on the need for more and better regulations (e.g., in areas such as bank capital, liquidity …
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European Central Bank's Financial Stability Committee Working Group on Stress Testing (WGST). Over a four-year period, the WGST …
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This paper develops a new financial stress measure (Cleveland Financial Stress Index, CFSI) that considers the supervisory objective of identifying risks to the stability of the financial system. The index provides a continuous signal of financial stress and broad coverage of the areas that...
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The failure of Lehman Brothers highlighted the severe lapses in risk management and regulatory oversight that brought on and intensified the global financial crisis. This paper presents a structural credit risk model that provides useful early warning signals that regulators could have used to...
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The use of macro stress tests to assess bank solvency has developed rapidly over the past few years. This development … top-down macro stress testing framework that is used regularly for forward-looking bank solvency assessments. This paper …
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