Showing 221 - 229 of 229
Background: Assessing neighborhood vitality is important to understand how to improve quality of life and health outcomes. The ecocity model recognizes that cities are part of natural systems and favors walkable neighborhoods. This article introduces ecocity mapping, an innovative planning...
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Since the early 1980s, US states have experimented with tax incentives targeted to distressed places to encourage economic development. The literature raised concerns that these expenditures were a net social loss because they would just subsidized a business to move from one location to...
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Did immigrants contribute to revitalization in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) programs? These programs combined strategic planning grants for capacity building and economic opportunity with tax incentives for businesses who...
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This article generalizes and extends the kernel block bootstrap (KBB) method of Parente and Smith (2018, 2021) to provide a comprehensive treatment of its use for GMM estimation and inference in time-series models formulated in terms of moment conditions. KBB procedures that employ bootstrap...
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In the construction of a leading indicator model of economic activity, economists must select among a pool of variables which lead output growth. Usually the pool of variables is large and a selection of a subset must be carried out. This paper proposes an automatic leading indicator model...
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Traditionally forecasts of macroeconomic aggregates are extracted from prospective qualitative survey data by relating official data on the aggregate to both the proportion of survey respondents who are 'optimists' and the proportion who are 'pessimists'. But there is no reason to focus on these...
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