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We develop a robust optimal dynamic hedging strategy that takes both downside risks and market incompleteness into … hedging can be decreased by following the robust strategy …
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optimization problem. We find that both naive and robust optimal portfolios depend on the hedging horizon and current funding ratio …
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We investigate the implications of technological innovation and non-diversifiable risk on entrepreneurial entry and optimal portfolio choice. In a real options model where two risk-averse individuals strategically decide on technology adoption, we show that the impact of non-diversifiable risk...
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The paper investigates quadratic hedging in a general semimartingale market that does not necessarily contain a risk …-free asset. An equivalence result for hedging with and without numeraire change is established. This permits direct computation …
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In this paper we show that free entry decisions may be socially inefficient, even in a perfectly competitive homogeneous goods market with non-lumpy investments. In our model, inefficient entry decisions are the result of risk-aversion of incumbent producers and consumers, combined with...
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optimization problem. We find that both naive and robust optimal portfolios depend on the hedging horizon and current funding ratio …
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This paper proposes a model-free approach to hedging and pricing in the presence of market imperfections such as market … incompleteness and frictions. The generality of this framework allows us to conduct an in-depth theoretical analysis of hedging … strategies with a wide family of risk measures and pricing rules, and study the conditions under which the hedging problem admits …
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This paper proposes a robust approach to hedging and pricing in the presence of market imperfections such as market … incompleteness and frictions. The generality of this framework allows us to conduct an in-depth theoretical analysis of hedging … proposed theoretical approach are illustrated with an application on hedging economic risk. …
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This paper proposes a robust approach to hedging and pricing in the presence of market imperfections such as market … incompleteness and frictions. The generality of this framework allows us to conduct an in-depth theoretical analysis of hedging … proposed theoretical approach are illustrated with an application on hedging economic risk. …
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Risk-neutral pricing dictates that the discounted derivative price is a martingale in a measure equivalent to the economic measure. The residual ambiguity for incomplete markets is here resolved by minimizing the entropy of the price measure from the economic measure, subject to mark-to-market...
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