Showing 41 - 50 of 21,909
Evidence on the interdependency between monetary policy and the state of the banking system is scarce. We suggest an integrated micro-macro approach with two core virtues. First, we measure the probability of bank distress directly at the bank level. Second, we integrate a microeconomic hazard...
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In this paper we investigate the interaction between a credit portfolio and another risk type, which can be thought of as market risk. Combining Merton-like factor models for credit risk with linear factor models for market risk, we analytically calculate their interrisk correlation and show how...
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In the work of the Basel Committee there has been a tradition of distinguishing market from credit risk and to treat both categories independently in the calculation of risk capital. In practice positions in a portfolio depend simultaneously on both market and credit risk factors. In this case,...
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Value at risk (VaR) has become a standard measure of portfolio risk over the last decade. It even became one of the corner stones in the Basel II accord about banks' equity requirements. Nevertheless, the practical application of the VaR concept suffers from two problems: how to estimate VaR and...
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The paper provides an axiomatic characterization of dynamic risk measures for multi-period financial positions. For the special case of a terminal cash flow, we require that risk depends on its conditional distribution only. We prove a representation theorem for dynamic risk measures and...
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Der aktuell diskutierte Gesetzentwurf für eine Reform der Einlagensicherung in Weißrussland verfolgt das Hauptziel, mehr Sparmittel der Bevölkerung für das planwirtschaftliche Wirtschaftssystem verfügbar zu machen. Bei einer nicht passgenau auf die Landessituation abgestimmten Ausgestaltung...
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The value at risk measure attempts to summarize in a single number market value risk of a portfolio of financial assets.The paper focuses on the interaction between the solvency probability of a bank, on one hand, and the diversification potential of its portfolio, on the other hand, when...
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Im Risikomanagement von Banken findet das Value at Risk-Konzept verstärkt Anwendung. Baut die Solvenzpolitik einer Bank auf dem Value at Risk-Konzept auf, müssen Aktiv- und Passivgeschäft der Bank simultan betrachtet werden. In einem Entscheidungsmodell für eine Bank werden die notwendige...
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Vor dem Hintergrund der für die Kreditinstitute voraussichtlich zum 1.11.2007 anzuwendenden europäischen Richtlinie über Märkte in Finanzinstrumenten sowie ihrer entsprechenden Durchführungsbestimmungen stellt sich die Frage, welche Anforderungen für die Anlageberatung der Kreditinstitute...
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This paper discusses the incentive conflicts that arise in banking supervision in the EU in a principal-agent framework, where the regulator is the agent and the taxpayers is the principal. The regulatory agent in addition to maintaining financial stability (the objective of the principal) may...
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