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We develop an algorithm that incorporates network information into regression settings. It simultaneously estimates the covariate coefficients and the signs of the network connections (i.e. whether the connections are of an activating or of a repressing type). For the coefficient estimation...
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When doing two-way fixed effects OLS estimations, both the variances and covariance of the fixed effects are biased. A formula for a bias correction is known, but in large datasets it involves inverses of impractically large matrices. We detail how to compute the bias correction in this case.
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We consider a nonparametric time series regression model. Our framework allows precise estimation of betas without the usual assumption of betas being piecewise constant. This property makes our framework particularly suitable to study individual stocks. We provide an inference framework for all...
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We develop a penalized two-pass regression with time-varying factor loadings. The penalization in the first pass enforces sparsity for the time-variation drivers while also maintaining compatibility with the no arbitrage restrictions by regularizing appropriate groups of coefficients. The second...
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This paper establishes bounds on the performance of empirical risk minimization for large-dimensional linear regression. We generalize existing results by allowing the data to be dependent and heavy-tailed. The analysis covers both the cases of identically and heterogeneously distributed...
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Estimations of quadratic forms in the parameters of linear models exhibit small-sample bias. The direct computation for a bias correction is not feasible when the number of covariates is large. We propose a bootstrap method for correcting this bias that accommodates different assumptions on the...
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This paper studies inference on fixed effects in a linear regression model estimated from network data. We derive bounds on the variance of the fixed-effect estimator that uncover the importance of the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the (normalized) Laplacian of the network and of the degree...
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Allowing for misspecification in the linear conditional quantile function, this paper provides a new interpretation and the semiparametric efficiency bound for the quantile regression parameter β ( τ ) in Koenker and Bassett (1978). The first result on interpretation shows that under a...
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Dummy endogenous variables are commonly encountered in program evaluations using observational data. Motivated by the increasing availability of rich micro data, we develop a two-stage approach to estimate the dummy endogenous treatment effect using high-dimensional instrumental variables (IV)....
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