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liquidity. We show how equilibrium in this incomplete-markets economy can be characterized and solved for in a recursive fashion … investors, and hence, on equity risk premia and the liquidity premium. …
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liquidity. We show how equilibrium in this incomplete-markets economy can be characterized and solved for in a recursive fashion … investors, and hence, on equity risk premia and the liquidity premium. Three, the effects of transaction costs on quantities … such as the liquidity premium are overestimated in partial equilibrium relative to general equilibrium. …
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We present comprehensive evidence in support of giving liquidity equal standing to size, value/growth, and momentum as … investment styles, as defined by Sharpe (1992). First, we show that financial market liquidity, as identified by stock turnover …, is an economically significant indicator of long-term returns. Then, we show that liquidity, as a characteristic, is not …
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We use a novel dataset to examine the impact of exposing institutional orders to electronic liquidity providers (ELPs … liquidity fees on exchanges. This routing decision results in lower net effective spreads for these child orders, but leads to …
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finding stands in stark contrast to corporate bond markets. Third, traders charge higher premiums as a price for liquidity … dealers for demanding liquidity. Last, inventory risk seems to matter little in explaining liquidity premiums. …
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We estimate effective spreads and round-trip transaction costs at the Berlin Stock Exchange for the period 1892-1913 using daily stock market returns for a sample of 27 stocks. Our results show that transaction costs at the main stock exchange in a bank-based financial system at the turn of the...
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We provide a comprehensive study of the liquidity of spot foreign exchange (FX) rates over more than two decades and a … large cross-section of currencies. First, we show that FX liquidity can be accurately measured with daily and readily …-available data. Second, we demonstrate that FX liquidity declines with funding constraints and global risk, supporting theoretical …
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We study the introduction of single-market liquidity provider incentives in fragmented securities markets. Specifically …, we investigate whether fee rebates for liquidity providers enhance liquidity on the introducing market and thereby … increase its competitiveness and market share. Further, we analyze whether single-market liquidity provider incentives increase …
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Asset liquidity in modern financial markets is a key but elusive concept. A market is often said to be liquid when the … low costs of transaction. Providing a rigorous and empirically relevant definition of market liquidity has, however … estimating the market liquidity of assets. We consider definitions that stress the role of the bid-ask spread and the estimation …
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The liquidity of an asset in modern financial markets is a key and, yet, elusive concept. A market is often said to be … liquidity has, however, provided to be a difficult task. This paper provides a critical review of the frameworks currently … available for modelling and estimating the market liquidity of stocks. We discuss definitions of market liquidity that stress …
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