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concepts. We apply our framework to evaluate the equitability of the UNSC, and the claims of those who seek to reform it. …
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Twenty years of negotiations over reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are yet to bear fruit. We use …" contained within eleven current reform proposals, and the separate effect of expansion of the UNSC membership. Only two reform …
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Weighted committee games generalize n-player simple voting games to m ≥ 3 alternatives. The committee's aggregation rule treats votes anonymously but parties, shareholders, members of supranational organizations, etc. differ in their numbers of votes. Infinitely many vote distributions induce...
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Weighted committees allow shareholders, party leaders, etc. to wield different numbers of votes or voting weights as they decide between multiple candidates by a given social choice method. We consider committees that apply scoring methods such as plurality, Borda, or antiplurality rule. Many...
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We consider some of the implications of a proposed reform of the voting system of the IMF in which EU countries cease …. Using voting power analysis we show that the reform could be very beneficial for the governance of the IMF, enhancing the …
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We investigate the method of power indices to study voting power of members of a legislature that has voting blocs. Our analysis is theoretical, intended to contribute to a theory of positive political science in which social actors are motivated by the pursuit of power as measured by objective...
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The constitutions of the Bretton Woods Institutions require decisions to be taken by weighted voting: each member country possesses a number of votes, depending on its quota allocation, all of which must always be cast as a bloc. This leads to a problem of democratic legitimacy since a member's...
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status quo and a proposed reform, and there is uncertainty about the location of the reform on the policy space. If each … possible location of the reform is on the same side of the status quo, then equilibria are full information equivalent. If … there is uncertainty about whether the reform lies to the left or right of the status quo, then we have multiple equilibria …
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