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This article is an empirical study dedicated to the GARCH Option pricing model of Duan (1995) applied to the FTSE 100 European style options for various maturities. The beauty of this model is to have used the standard GARCH theory in an option perspective and also it is its flexibility to adapt...
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This article is an empirical study dedicated to the GARCH Option pricing model of Duan (1995) applied to the FTSE 100 European style options for various maturities. We analyze the validity of the model given its ability to price one-day ahead out-of-sample call options and also its ability to...
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Asymmetric volatility in equity markets has been widely documented in finance, where two competing explanations, as considered in Bekaert and Wu (2000), are the financial leverage and the volatility feedback hypothesis. We explicitly test for the role of both hypotheses in explaining extreme...
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This article analyses, for the first time, the financial impact on the French market of September 11th, 2001. Was there any information asymmetry around this date? How deep was the reaction of the French investors? This study measures the magnitude of the shock in the stock price process.
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The study of tail events has become a central preoccupation for academics, investors and policy makers, given the recent financial turmoil. However, what differentiates a crash from a tail event? This article answers this question by taking a risk management perspective that is based on an...
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In this paper, we develop a financial stress index for France that can be used as a real-time composite indicator for the state of financial stability in France. We take 17 financial variables from different market segments and extract a common stress component using a dynamic approximate factor...
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This paper posits itself in the stream of literature related to event studies and in particular the September 11th event. It is the first study to our knowledge that investigates the impact on the French financial market of September 11th, 2001 and September 21st, 2001. Was there any information...
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Over the last three decades, the world economy has been facing stock market crashes, currency crisis, the dot-com and real estate bubble burst, credit crunch and banking panics. As a response, extreme value theory (EVT) provides a set of ready-made approaches to risk management analysis....
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