Showing 21 - 30 of 56
We analyze banking crises and lending of last resort (LOLR) in a quantitative model of financial frictions with bank defaults. LOLR policies generate a tradeoff between financial fragility (due to more highly leveraged banks) and milder crises since the policies are effective once in a crisis....
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I show that both before and after the Great Recession, housing dynamics strongly correlate with current account dynamics, both across and within countries. In a benchmark DSGE model of housing markets, housing price-to-rent ratios are counterfactual if the transmission channel from housing to...
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This article discusses how macroeconomic arguments should shape the design of mortgage contracts. Mortgage recourse systems, by discouraging default, magnify the impact of nominal rigidities and cause deeper and more persistent recessions. Default mitigates liquidity traps because it...
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We study a model in which leverage and compensation are both choice variables for the firm and borrowing spreads are endogenous. First, we analyze the correlation between leverage and variable compensation. We show that allowing for both endogenous compensation and leverage fully rationalizes...
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We show that mortgage recourse systems, by discouraging default, magnify the impact of nominal rigidities and cause deeper and more persistent recessions. This mechanism can account for up to 40% of the recovery gap during the Great Recession between the U.S. (mostly a non-recourse economy) and...
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We use the new market for Credit Risk Transfers (CRTs) and the landfall of two major hurricanes to study both how markets price default risk from natural disasters, and how U.S. mortgage rates would change in absence of government-backed guarantees. First, we exploit that CRTs differ in the...
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This paper proposes a tractable way to incorporate lending standards ("credit qualification thresholds") into macro models of financial frictions. Banks can reject borrowers whose risk is above an endogenous threshold at which no lending rate sufficiently compensates banks for the borrowers’...
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