Showing 61 - 70 of 229
Romanian Abstract: Analiza profitabilitǎţii produselor joacǎ un rol major în deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda câteva tehnici simple utilizate în previziune a costurilor, în aprecierea eficienţei produselor şi în evaluarea impactului volumului...
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This paper examines the presence of the turn-of-the-year effects on the Romanian capital market. We use the daily closing values of some important indexes of the Bucharest Stock Exchange for the period January 2000 – August 2017. In order to reveal the impact of a turbulent context on the...
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The Turn-of-the-quarter (TOQ) Effect is a calendar anomaly consisting in abnormal returns occurring in a specific time interval, that starts in the mth last trading day of a quarter (BQ-m) and ends in the nth last trading day of a quarter (BQ+n). As many other anomalies, the TOQ Effect is not...
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The classical Friday the 13th Effect refers to a calendar anomaly of financial markets which is generated by the fear of bad luck shared by the superstitious investors. As a result of their behavior, the returns from the supposed unlucky day of Friday the 13th are significant lower than those...
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A territorial change could have complex economic consequences for both the country that annexed a province and the country that lost it. This paper approaches the economic aspects of the territorial exchange from 1878, when Romania received the Northern Dobruja as a compensation for losing...
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Empirical researches proved that many calendar anomalies of the financial markets were not persistent in time. Sometimes, the abnormal returns, detected for specific trading days, migrated to adjacent days. This paper explores the changes suffered by Friday the 13th Effect on the four indexes of...
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Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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This paper analyses the Romanian Fiscal System in relation with the requirements of a functional market economy. As a base for this analysis, we used the Basic World Tax Code, a Project Sponsored by the Harvard University International Tax Program, which proposed a Fiscal Code for the developing...
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This paper explores some important, from the multinational companies perspective, aspects of the Romanian corporate income tax comparing them with the corporate income taxes from other eastern European countries which compete with Romania in attracting foreign direct investments. That comparison...
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This paper explores the behavior of the Romanian capital market during the two period of fasting: the Great Lent and of the Nativity Fast. In this investigation we employ closing values of five indexes from Bucharest Stock Exchange for the period January 2007-August 2016. The sample of data is...
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