Showing 11 - 20 of 75
Korean Abstract: 한·인도 교역이 2011년 200억 달러 돌파 이후 최근까지 정체되고 있는 상황에서 2018년 7월 문재인 대통령은 신남방정책의 핵심 파트너인 인도의 나렌드라 모디(Narendra Modi) 총리와 정상회담에서 양국간 교역목표를...
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In July 2018, President Moon Jae-in announced the new target of achieving $50 billion in trade between India and Korea by 2030 following a summit meeting with Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. Despite the Korean government naming India as a key partner in line with its New Southern...
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The government of India is pushing ahead with a series of economic reform policies, named 'Modinomics' after Prime Minister Narendra Modi, focusing on high growth and a business-friendly environment. Modinomics emphasizes the virtuous circle of investment that promotes employment and...
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Korean Abstract: 인도 모디 정부가 추진하고 있는 소위 모디노믹스는 고성장과 친기업을 지향하는 일종의 경제개혁 정책이다. 모디노믹스는 투자를 통해 고용과 소비를 촉진하고, 이것이 다시 투자로 이어지는 선순환 구조를...
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Korean Abstract: 인도 정부는 2006년 개정된 「중소기업 육성법(MSMED: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006)」을 통해 그동안 복잡하고 불명확했던 중소기업 범위와 분류 기준을 투자 규모에 따라 극소기업 (Micro),...
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In addition, the projections of the nominal GDP per capita revealed that the figures for Maharashtra and Gujarat will be similar to that of Mexico, while Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Haryana will be on par with the Republic of South Africa by 2026. Based on the analysis of the growth patterns of...
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The year 2013 represents the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Korea-India diplomatic relations. This report is prepared to evaluate the achievements and the future challenges in Korea-India economic cooperation. The study analyzes trade relations using all available sources from the...
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Korean Abstract: 2013년은 한국과 인도가 수교를 맺은 지 40주년이 되는 해이다. 이에 맞추어 본 연구는 양국 경제협력의 성과와 과제를 평가하고 발전방향을 제시하기 위해 작성되었다. 특히 본 보고서는 양국 경제협력에서 가장...
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The Korean pharmaceutical industry has recently experienced difficulties because of the rebate issue and the Korean government's continued policy to lower drug prices. In addition, the adoption of the drug approval-patent linkage system, following the implementation of the Korea-US and Korea-EU...
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