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Cities and urban areas function as engines for economic growth as they mobilize labor and capital to create economies of scale through the agglomeration of production factors and increase productivity. They also create a consumer base through whose consumption of manufactured products encourages...
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Korean Abstract: 아프리카 국가들은 지속가능한 도시개발을 국가발전 전략의 핵심으로 다루고 있는데, 도시개발정책, 물적·제도적 인프라 정비, 신도시 개발, 도시생산기반 구축 등을 주요 골자로 하고 있다. 주요 거점도시를...
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China and ASEAN are recognized as the most important markets in the world, hence they have emerged as global factories and parts production bases. And trade between China and ASEAN is rapidly expanding and ASEAN has taken position as one of China's three major trading partners. Over the last 20...
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A regional cooperation project centered on a long river way passing through several nations, in addition to ensuring agreement between the nations involved, requires cooperation from the international community as a whole. This is because of potential conflict that may inevitably arise during...
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As these projects move forward, the so-called Korea Special Fund needs to be set up, so that Korea can evaluate, from the earliest stages (feasibility studies), how those funds should be spent. This allows an accumulation of data as well as provide opportunities for Korean corporations. Also,...
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Korean Abstract: 한국은 최근 직접투자를 통해 ASEAN과 상호 의존적인 경제관계를 확대하고 있으므로, 장기적 안목에서 어떻게 전략적 관계를 발전시켜나갈지 고민할 때다. 양자간 관계를 더욱 강화하기 위해 본 연구는 한국의...
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Korean Abstract: 기존 진출기업 지원정책은 수출촉진을 위해 진출 이전단계에 집중한 나머지 기(旣)진출기업에 대한 지원을 간과했다. 진출기업 지원정책의 새로운 방향으로 동남아 기(旣)진출기업과 신규 진출기업 간의...
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Korean Abstract: 본 연구는 한국과 아세안의 서비스교역 현황 및 제한요인을 분석하고, 우리나라 서비스수출의 안정적인 성장을 위한 정책 대응방안을 모색하였다. 서비스교역 현황을 파악하기 위해 GVC 분석, 공급유형별...
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Korean Abstract: 신남방지역에서 한국기업의 수주규모는 2018년 10월 기준 98.9억 달러(전체 수주액의 40.9%)를 기록해 85.7억 달러를 수주한 중동(35.5%)을 넘어 최대 수주처로 부상했다. 이러한 성과는 건설 수요가 높은...
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Recently, the need to advance into emerging markets has increased for Korea with changes in U.S. trade policy and the proliferation of trade protectionism around the world. In order to diversify its export markets and diplomacy, Korea is pursuing its New Northern Policy (NNP) and New Southern...
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