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Network analysis shows a stable network between states, but a changing environment between individual actors, with a …
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This paper applies for the first time power index analysis to the famous Krackhardt’s kite social network by imposing a … weighted voting game on the given network structure. It compares the results of this analysis, derived by applying the Public … traditional centrality measures are rather a first approximation for evaluating the power in a network as they considerably …
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multiple mandates, like it happens in the German case. We find a very cohesive network structure, due to the presence of a few … links in a certain time period. We construct a unique cumulative network, where nodes are companies and the existence of an …
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to network formation in order to develop such a model. Agents spend costly resources to socialize. Their effort levels …
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endogenously in a network formation process, internalizing the externalities arising from social learning …
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from observing the actions of peers. When the social belief is strong and the financial network is fragmented, banks follow … endogenously formed interbank networks, however, less informative signals lead to higher network density and less synchronization …
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This paper analyses a simultaneous game of network formation and information acquisition where the benefit structure is … such that the benefit that an agent derives from the network she is located in depends on the maximum information that … someone in her neighbourhood, including herself, acquires. It turns out that in equilibrium star network emerges as the unique …
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process of most economies. We carry out a multi-level network analysis of the relations among lobbying organizations in the EU … transparency register, focusing on the domain of finance and climate. We find that the network centrality of organizations has no …
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from observing the actions of peers. When the social belief is strong and the financial network is fragmented, banks follow … endogenously formed interbank networks, however, less informative signals lead to higher network density and less synchronization …
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The pattern of financial linkages is important in many areas of banking and finance. Yet bilateral linkages are often unknown, and maximum entropy serves as the leading method for estimating unobserved counterparty exposures. This paper proposes an efficient alternative that combines...
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