Showing 41 - 50 of 168
In this article we study the evaluation of American options with stochastic volatility models and the optimal fish harvesting decision with stochastic convenience yield models, in the presence of drift ambiguity. From the perspective of an ambiguity averse agent, we transfer the problem to the...
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In this article we derive tractable analytic solutions for futures and options prices for a linear-quadratic jump-diffusion model with seasonal adjustments in stochastic volatility and convenience yield. We then calibrate our model to data from the fish pool futures market, using the extended...
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With the intention of maximizing an investor's terminal utility, we construct a non-threshold ased trading model within which the optimal trading weights for daily rebalancing are derived analytically via stochastic optimal control. Having released the constraint that the cointegrating vector is...
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We price Asian options on commodity futures contracts in the presence of stochastic convenience yield, stochastic interest rates and jumps in the commodity spot price. We obtain a closed-form solution for the case of a geometric average option without the presence of jumps, both for continuous...
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We develop a dynamic valuation model of the hedge fund seeding business by solving the consumption and portfolio-choice problem for a risk-averse manager who launches a hedge fund through a seeding vehicle. This vehicle, i.e. fees-for-seed swap, specifies that a strategic partner (seeder)...
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In this paper we extend the consumption-investment life cycle model for an uncertain-lived agent, proposed by Richard (1974), to allow for flexible labor supply. We further study the consumption, labor supply and portfolio decisions of an agent facing age-dependent mortality risk, as presented...
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We solve a Dixit and Pindyck type irreversible investment problem in continuous time under the assumption that the project value follows a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process. This setup works well for modeling foreign direct investment in the framework of real options, when the exchange rate is...
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In this paper the performance of locally risk-minimizing delta hedge strategies for European options in stochastic volatility models is studied from an experimental as well as from an empirical perspective. These hedge strategies are derived for a large class of diffusion-type stochastic...
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We combine and extend two existing lines of research in game theoretic studies of fisheries, building up on Quirk and Smith (1977), Anderson (1975), Fisher and Mirman (1996), Sumaila (1997) and most recently Datta and Mirman (1999) who developed either static or discrete time models, not...
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