Showing 91 - 100 of 166
Russian Abstract: Авторами проведен анализ эффективности управления портфелями пенсионных накоплений НПФ за 2005-2016 гг. Показано, что на долгосрочном временном интервале...
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From 2016 onwards, statistical data on public property entities have been published within the framework of the System of Public Property Management Efficiency Estimates. It was approved by Decree of the RF Government No. 72 dated January 29, 2015, and introduced to replace the public sector...
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In 2020, after the sudden financial shock in March caused by sales of risky assets by investors against the backdrop of the rising coronavirus pandemic, stock markets in many countries recovered faster than did the economic indicators. The traditional hypothesis that the value of financial...
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Russian Abstract: Публичные размещения акций играют все более важную роль в финансировании ускоренного развития компаний, представляющих новую экономику. Рынок IPO стал...
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The expansion of the US government economic stimulus package has raised concerns about accelerating inflation and rising asset values not only inside the country, but throughout the world. In the medium term, the Russian economy and financial market may benefit from climbing US budget spending....
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Despite the pandemic and economic fallout, the year 2020 can be regarded as quite successful for a host of financial markets in terms of appreciation of various currencies against the US Dollar and equity indices’ positive yield. The Russian ruble was among the weakest currencies and the RTS...
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Russian Abstract: Факторные стратегии инвестирования позволяют более эффективно управлять инвестиционными портфелями в условиях растущей волатильности финансовых...
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Russian Abstract: Тенденции 2021 г. и начала 2022 г. подтверждают репутацию рынка акций российских компаний как одного из самых доходных и волатильных рынков в мире. Новым...
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The Russia's Government has adopted no other privatization programs over the last two years, as it did in the 2000s, since the Forecast Plan (Program) for the Federal Property and the Guidelines of Federal Property Privatization for 2011-2013 was adopted in November 2010. However, it is these...
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Russian Abstract: Несмотря на пандемию и экономический спад, 2020 г. оказался сравнительно успешным для многих финансовых рынков, что выразилось в укреплении курсов валют...
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