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The global financial crisis influenced the economy of the government, because of the speedy integration of Azerbaijan to the world economical system and wide economical relations with developed and developing countries. If we pay attention to the general economy of Azerbaijan, we can see the...
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In this study we investigated government hand in the Global Financial Crisis. Before, during and after crisis government attempted to solve and avoid the turmoil. But did he succeed? Beginning with low interest rates set by FED, US government political pressures to enable more Americans to buy...
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In this study we investigated government hand in the Global Financial Crisis. Before, during and after crisis government attempted to solve and avoid the turmoil. But did he succeed? Beginning with low interest rates set by FED, US government political pressures to enable more Americans to buy...
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Azerbaijani Abstract: BTQ dəmir yolu xətti ilk baxışdan regional layihə kimi qəbul edilsədə əslində dünyanın qlobal əhəmiyyətə malik layihələrindən sayılabilər.Azərbaycan Uzaq Şərq və Qərbi Avropanı birləşdirən İpək Yolu üzərində açar rol oynayır.BTQ...
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Natural resources are depleting faster as human demand growing rapidly and will be vanished shortly as it is non-replaceable recourse. The only way to benefit in this process is to invest natural resource revenues into human capital. This study investigates education role in HDI and in...
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In this study we investigated government hand in the Global Financial Crisis. Before, during and after crisis government attempted to solve and avoid the turmoil. But did he succeed? Beginning with low interest rates set by FED, US government political pressures to enable more Americans to buy...
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Several recent studies point to the conclusions that there exists a strong relationship between democracy and the level of income. However, if income is coming from countries' oil wealth, there is an exception to this claim; the positive effect of income in democracy is not observed. This paper...
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In the article, valuing of the existing situation of export multiplication in the Azerbaijan Republic has been analyzed. Non-oil sector has not enough pay in the general export of country and it is sign that this sector stay with enough problems. Although non-oil sector has a high export...
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Azərbaycanın dünya iqtisadi sisteminə sürətli inteqrasiyası və bir çox inkişaf etmiş və ya inkişaf etməkdə olan ölkələrlə sıx iqtisadi əlaqələri, dünya maliyyə böhranının ölkə iqtisadiyyatına müəyyən mənada təsirinə gətirib çıxarmışdır. Azərbaycanın...
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