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construct the whole implied volatility surface and use the explicit constructions of calibrated (jump-) diffusions, available in …
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Rough volatility models have recently been empirically shown to provide a good fit to historical volatility time series … and implied volatility smiles of SPX options. They are continuous-time stochastic volatility models, whose volatility … a semimartingale nor a Markov process, there is no unified method that not only applies to all rough volatility models …
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, April 2020] and explain how to build a continuous-time stochastic volatility (SV) model which jointly and exactly calibrates … leads to "Dispersion-constrained martingale Schrödinger bridges'', a new type of Schrödinger bridges which are constrained … both the SPX and the instantaneous volatility. Numerical results on model-generated data illustrate the accuracy of the …
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Grail of volatility modeling: build a model that jointly and exactly calibrates to the prices of S&P 500 (SPX) options, VIX … satisfy the martingality constraint on the SPX as well as the requirement that the VIX is the implied volatility of the 30-day … we call a dispersion-constrained martingale optimal transport problem, we establish a strong duality theorem and, as a …
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This note identifies a gap in the proof of Corollary 2.4 in [2], which arises because the essential smoothness of the family (Xt/t) can fail for the log-spot process X in the Heston model, and describes how to circumvent the issue by applying a standard argument from large deviation theory
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Reformulating the results of del Baño Rollin, Ferreiro-Castilla, and Utzet (2010), we are able to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the moments of the stock price to exist and extend Theorem 2.1 of Forde and Jacquier (2011). Precisely Forde and Jacquier (2011) provide necessary...
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Stochastic volatility models have grown in popularity in the past decade or two. However, for many stochastic … volatility models, the functional form of volatility along with the description of the diffusion process for volatility have been … improves and that a more general specification for the stock price and volatility processes may be necessary. This leads to an …
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's stochastic volatility model, our method is shown to be extremely efficient and fairly accurate …
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-of-the-money and long-maturity options. When applied to Heston's stochastic volatility model, our method is shown to be extremely …
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of measure from the market measure to an equivalent martingale measure is introduced. The choice of parameters in the …
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