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We investigate the role of extreme positive payoffs in the distribution of monthly fund returns in investors' mutual fund preferences. We document a positive and significant relationship between the maximum style-adjusted monthly return (MAX) and future fund flows. The relationship is robust to...
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An idealized model of the investment process redefines the respective roles of security analysts and portfolio managers, quantifies such concepts as activity and aggressiveness, and explains how the individual analyst's efforts at forecasting returns translate into improved portfolio performance
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In this paper we study the performance and performance persistence of international equity mutual funds with a focus on fund investment styles. Using a best-fit index methodology, we sort funds yearly based on the style dimensions of size and value/growth, as well as on regional categories...
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This is the first paper analyzing the impact of index momentum factors on the performance of international and global equity funds. Extending an international, index-based version of the Fama and French (1993) three-factor model by adding the factors of country momentum and sector momentum, we...
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This paper aimed to investigate the impact of levels of selectivity on the performance of equity funds using a methodology applied for the first time ever in the Brazilian market. As an indicator of the activity level of a fund, we proposed the coefficient of determination (R2) of the regression...
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This study aims to clarify whether Long Term Equity Funds (henceforth LTFs) are worth the investment of those planning for retirement. The 5-year quarterly returns (2012 -2016) were used to calculate beta and Sharpe ratio of the LTFs then compared to the gold and Thailand stock market's data....
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This paper examines the short term persistence in performance of equity mutual funds around the world between 1990 and 2013. Using a large survivorship bias-free sample for 35 countries, we document strong evidence of persistence in daily mutual fund returns over quarterly measurement periods....
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This paper contrasts the return of Vanguard and Fidelity active stock mutual funds with the style-mimicking portfolio of Vanguard’s index funds. Vanguard’s equally-weighted portfolio of domestic active funds out-returns the portfolio of Vanguard index funds with the same style, as does...
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We look at the trend of alpha generation among 18 large-cap equity mutual funds in India betweenSeptember 2010 and August 2021. Between September 2013 and December 2017, these schemes, on average, outperformed a NIFTY 50 index tracker fund (average annualised 3-year alpha of 3.22%), but since...
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Numerous studies investigate the relationships between fund manager characteristics and fund performance. However, most evaluate fund performance by using traditional factor alphas, such as the Fama–French–Carhart four- and six-factor alphas. In the present study, we analyze data from...
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