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This study is an investigation of the factors affecting the average returns of stocks that were traded on the Athens Stock Exchange for the period July 2004 - June 2011. The methodological approach is similar to that applied by Fama and French (1992), in the first stage, stocks are grouped into...
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This paper uses completely new data to study the variations in beta when it deviates from the constancy assumption presumed by the market model. The concentration of the various researches on beta based on post 1926 data makes the 19th century Brussels Stock Exchange (BSE) data a very good...
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In this article, we test the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) by measuring the …
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least square estimates of CAPM beta and Dimson beta of individual securities for 3, 4 and 8-years holding periods are not …, and that betas are under-estimated in standard OLS method of CAPM. The evidence of beta instability in DSE imply that …
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The CAPM is commonly used for an introduction of the equity cost in practice to calculate the corporate value, which is …
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We show theoretically that when Bayesian investors face time-series uncertainty about assets' risk exposures, differences in their priors affect the pricing of risk in the cross-section: different priors for the same asset can generate differences in perceived risk exposures, and thereby...
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the difference between low and high frequency betas (dBeta) yields large systematic mispricings relative to the CAPM at … that the CAPM can hold at high frequencies and more factors are needed to price assets at low frequencies, we show that the … CAPM may be an appropriate asset pricing model at low frequencies but that additional factors, such as one based on opacity …
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This paper introduces a novel method for estimating the alpha and beta of hedge fund indices that corrects for stale pricing in reported returns. This approach can be further used to estimate volatility and other risk measures. We apply this technique to a composite hedge fund index and six...
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This paper introduces a novel method for estimating the true economic alpha and market beta of illiquid asset classes using secondary transaction prices. Furthermore, this approach can be used to measure the degree of stale pricing in the reported returns of such asset classes. We apply this...
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This paper explores the predictive power of the absolute delta beta (ADB) on future cross-sectional stock returns. By univariate portfolio analysis, bivariate portfolio analysis, and decomposition of predictive power, we find that the ADB can produce an excess return in the next month. The...
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