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Reverse mortgages provide an alternative source of funding for retirement income and health care costs. The two main risks that reverse mortgage providers face are house price risk and longevity risk. Recent real estate literature has shown that the idiosyncratic component of house price risk is...
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This paper quantifies the impacts of individual house price risk on the pricing of equity release products. An individual house price model is employed to explain house price variations by heterogeneous characteristics. A Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) model is adopted to project the overall house...
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Rapid population aging in China has urged the need to understand health transitions of older Chinese to assist the development of social security programs and financial products aimed at funding long-term care. In this paper, we develop a new flexible approach to modeling health transitions in a...
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We assess the impact of housing, the availability of reverse mortgages and long-term care (LTC) insurance on a retiree's optimal portfolio choice and consumption decisions using a multi-period life cycle model that takes into consideration longevity risk, health shocks and house price risk. We...
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We apply generalized linear models to evaluate disability transitions for individuals in old age based on a large sample of U.S. elderly. We estimate a multi-state model for long-term care insurance applications, and find significant differences in disability rate patterns and levels from the...
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Multiple state functional disability models do not generally include systematic trend and uncertainty. We develop and estimate a multi-state latent factor intensity model with transition and recovery rates depending on a stochastic frailty factor to capture trend and uncertainty. We estimate the...
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This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of premiums, reserves and solvency capital requirements for long-term care (LTC) insurance policies using Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and U.S. data. We compare stand-alone policies, rider benefit policies (LTC insurance combined with whole...
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This paper analyzes an individual's post retirement longevity risk management strategy allowing for systematic longevity risk, recent product innovations, and product loadings. A complete-markets discrete state model and multi-period simulations of portfolio strategies are used to assess...
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This paper provides a detailed quantitative assessment of the impact of solvency capital requirements on product pricing and shareholder value for a life insurer. A multi-period firm value maximization model for a life annuity provider, allowing for stochastic mortality and asset returns,...
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The recent international credit crisis has highlighted the significant exposure that banks and insurers, especially mono-line credit insurers, have to residential house price risk. This paper provides an assessment of risk models for residential property for applications in banking and insurance...
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