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analyzes how compensation schemes change in reaction to anticipated bail-outs. If there is a risk-shifting problem, bail-out … becomes flatter and effort decreases. If both types of agency problems are present, a sufficiently large increase in bailout … perceptions makes it optimal for a welfare-maximizing regulator to impose caps on bank bonuses. In contrast, raising managers …
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We derive a principal-agent model to analyze the effectiveness of bonus caps and deferrals in regulating banks' risk-taking. We calibrate the model to a sample of large US banks on the eve of the Global Financial Crisis and run counterfactual analyses of the potential effects of the regulations....
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We derive a principal-agent model to analyze the effectiveness of bonus caps and deferrals in regulating banks' risk-taking. We calibrate the model to a sample of large US banks on the eve of the Global Financial Crisis and run counterfactual analyses of the potential effects of the...
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The large compensation received by bank executives is among the many factors blamed for the risk-taking that led to the 2008-2009 financial crisis. We test whether and how pay disparities between CEO and non-CEO executives—the so-called CEO pay gap—influenced risk taking at publicly traded...
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Using novel data from executive deferred compensation, this paper presents new evidence on the relationship between CEO risk preference and firm risk (the volatility of firm performance measures such as stock return, earnings and operating cash flows). My results show a negative association...
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We conducted a lab experiment with 253 participants to examine how constraints on bonus akin to bonus regulations, such as bonus cap and malus, could affect individuals' risk-taking in the presence of relative performance pay. Participants took greater risks when bonus was linked to investment...
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corroborate these findings to reveal more pronounced effects when fund managers have stronger career incentives and are less …
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This paper investigates whether observed executive compensation contracts are designed to provide risk-taking incentives in addition to effort incentives. We develop a stylized principal-agent model that captures the interdependence between firm risk and managerial incentives. We calibrate the...
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