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The performance of hedge funds is of interest to investors looking for ways of generating value over passive strategies, particularly in bad times. This study used the Hedge Index database with over 9500 hedge funds to analyse, in depth, the performance of ten major strategies, during and after...
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Consistent with the argument that portfolio disclosure reveals "trade secrets", a difference-in-differences estimation suggests that there is a drop in fund performance after a hedge fund begins filing Form 13F, as well as an increase in return correlations with other funds in the same...
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We examine the performance life cycle of hedge funds. Performance declines with age are pervasive, not just for the average fund, but also for past winners and for funds with characteristics that predict cross-sectional returns. Fund growth and decreasing performance incentives appear to...
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Short sellers are perceived as informed, sophisticated investors. Yet little is known about their actual performance and trading strategies. Using a novel, hand-collected data set of daily position disclosures in Europe, we identify the entry, change, and exit dates of large short-sale positions...
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We provide novel evidence that hedge fund performance is persistent following weak hedge fund markets, but is not persistent following strong markets. Specifically, we construct two performance measures, DownsideReturns and UpsideReturns, conditioned on the level of overall hedge fund sector...
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Active fund managers are skilled and, on average, have used their skill to generate about $3.2 million per year. Large cross-sectional differences in skill persist for as long as ten years. Investors recognize this skill and reward it by investing more capital in funds managed by better...
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We apply methods designed to measure mutual fund skill to a cross-section of traded funds that should not exhibit managerial portfolio selection skill: index funds. Surprisingly, these tests imply index fund skill exists, is persistent, and is in similar proportion as in active funds. We use the...
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This paper updates the performance of those equity long/short mutual funds analyzed in “Hedge Funds Versus Hedged Mutual Funds: An Examination of Long/Short Funds” (The Journal of Alternative Investments, Winter 2014) (McCarthy, 2014). Section 1 of this paper focuses on the period July 2013...
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Performance measurement is an area of crucial interest in asset valuation and investment management. High volatility as well as time aggregation of returns, amongst other characteristics, may distort the results of conventional measures of performance. In this work, we study the performance of...
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A diverse set of measures allows investors to evaluate hedge fund portfolio managers' performance across different dimensions. The various measures quantify the effectiveness of security selection, account for investor flows, operating risk, and worst-case investment scenarios, net out benchmark...
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