Showing 51 - 60 of 834,881
Ratios that indicate the statistical significance of a fund's alpha typically appraise its performance. A growing literature suggests that even in the absence of any ability to predict returns, holding options positions on the benchmark assets or trading frequently can significantly enhance...
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Recently, a large body of academic literature has focused on the area of stable distributions and their application potential for improving our understanding of the risk of hedge funds. At the same time, research has sprung up on standard Bayesian methods applied to hedge fund evaluation. Little...
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Two new methodologies are introduced to improve inference in the evaluation of mutual fund performance against benchmarks. First, the benchmark models are estimated using panel methods with both fund and time effects. Second, the non-normality of individual mutual fund returns is accounted for...
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unskilled funds are present. We develop the theory for a valid bootstrap Hotelling's T-squared test to first identify a zero …
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We study the life cycle performance of hedge fund managers. We are the first to find that hedge fund managers have a life cycle relationship between their work experience and performance. In the early years of their profession, fund managers work hard to build up their expertise. As a result,...
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This paper proposes a novel database merging approach and re-examines the fundamental questions regarding hedge fund performance. Before drawing conclusions about fund performance, we form an aggregate database by exploiting all available information across and within seven commercial databases...
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This paper proposes a novel database merging approach and re-examines the fundamental questions regarding hedge fund performance. Before drawing conclusions about fund performance, we form an aggregate database by exploiting all available information across and within seven commercial databases...
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This paper investigates investor disagreement and clientele effects in performance evaluation by developing a measure that considers the best potential clienteles of mutual funds. In an incomplete market under law-of-one-price and no-good-deal conditions, we obtain an upper bound on admissible...
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This paper develops a diagnostic tool for candidate performance measures that accounts for investor disagreement in mutual funds. We compare the evaluation for best clienteles, specified by an upper admissible performance bound, to the one for representative investors implicit in twelve models....
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate and discuss historical active manager performance relative to the performance of an appropriate market benchmark. Although this subject has been written about extensively, much of the analysis has traditionally been plagued with data quality issues....
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