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, spillovers across countries and between real and financial variables are found to matter: A shock to a variable in a given …
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Emerging market economies (also known as emerging economies, EEs) have become important on the world economic stage …
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response of output growth and capital to a positive US interest rate shock is negative and significant in EMs. Our results are …
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This paper considers the linkages between output growth and output volatility for the sample of G7 countries over the period 1958M2-2011M7, thereby paying particular attention to spillovers within and between countries. Using the VAR-based spillover index approach by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012),...
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We investigate whether frictions in US financial markets amplify the international propagation of US financial shocks. The dynamics of the US economy is modeled jointly with global macroeconomic and financial variables using a threshold vector autoregression that allows us to capture...
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This working paper was written by Hongyi Chen (Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research) and Peter Tillmann (University of Giessen).Lockdowns imposed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have cross-border effects. In this paper, we estimate the empirical magnitude of lockdown spillovers...
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This working paper was written by Hongyi Chen (Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research) and Peter Tillmann (University of Giessen).Lockdowns imposed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have cross-border effects. In this paper, we estimate the empirical magnitude of lockdown spillovers...
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Lockdowns imposed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have cross-border effects. In this paper, we estimate the empirical magnitude of lockdown spillovers in a set of panel local projections. We use daily indicators of economic activity such as stock returns, effective exchange rates, NO2 emissions,...
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