Showing 1 - 10 of 123
Several recent studies point to the conclusions that there exists a strong relationship between democracy and the level of income. However, if income is coming from countries' oil wealth, there is an exception to this claim; the positive effect of income in democracy is not observed. This paper...
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Azerbaijan is the most strategic country in the Caucasus and the Caspian regions with strategic and development perspectives. Azerbaijan experienced various political, economic and social problems in its first years of independence due to Armenia's occupation of Karabakh. Due to these problems,...
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This work comprises the comparative analysis of macro economic reasons and consequences of world economic crisis happened in 2008 which affected the economy of the world and the 1929 crisis the biggest that ever happened in the world. It is obvious that both of crises have common and different...
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Azerbaijan Republic has coorporated with World Bank since September, 1992 and this coorporation has highly developed every year. World Bank has dealed with Azerbaijan on a different,colorful and important projects such as education, healthy, agriculture, protecting, historical-cultural...
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Avropa İqtisadi və Valyuta İttifaqı, 1946-cı ildən etibarən həyata keçirilən və 1971-ci ildə elastik valyuta sisteminin qurulması ilə başa çatan Bretton Woods Sistemindən bu yana beynəl-xalq pul sistemində yaşanan ən əhəmiyyətli irəliləyişdir. Günümüzdə Avro,...
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Ortaq pul sistemi , iqtisadi bloklaşma vəya iqtisadi inteqrasiya olaraq da ifadə ediləbiləcək olan iqtisadi birliyin mərhələlərindən biridir. Hələ İkinci Dünya Müharibəsi sona çatmadan , BVF qurulmasından sonra Amerika Dolları dünyada ən çox istifadə edilən ortaq valyuta...
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Azerbaycan bağımsızlığını kazanmasıyla birlikte ekonomik bakımdan yeniden yapılanma ve kalkınma sürecine girmiştir. Bu süreçte, bağımsızlığını kazandığı günden günümüze kadar Türkiyeli müteşebbislerin sermayeleri ve teşebbüs güçleri ile önemli rol aldıkları...
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Azerbaijan is Turkey's largest economical partner in the Caucasus region. The legal framework of Turkish-Azeri bilateral commercial and economic relations consists of a number of agreements, including Agreement on Enhancing Economic and Technical Cooperation (1992), Agreement on Mutual Promotion...
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English Abstract: After gaining independence Azerbaijan started to attract badly needed foreign investment into the country. Increasing in the amount of the investments directing to the development of the oil and non – oil sectors of our republic by the government for the development of this...
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