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Using a very large data set with more than 9,700 stocks listed on NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ, we analyze overnight price jumps and report short-term investor overreaction to information shocks and document return reversal and predictability up to five days. For negative and positive overnight jumps,...
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This paper finds that price inefficiency in individual stocks contributes to expected idiosyncratic volatility. If …
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We investigate the time series behavior of idiosyncratic volatility and its role in asset pricing in China. We find no … evidence of a long-term trend in the time series behavior of idiosyncratic volatility. Idiosyncratic volatility in China is … document evidence of a negative idiosyncratic volatility effect in China with anecdotal evidence suggesting that it could be …
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Assuming a symmetric relation between returns and innovations in implied market volatility, Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and … Zhang (2006) find that sensitivities to changes in implied market volatility have a cross-sectional effect on firm returns … volatility innovations. We incorporate this asymmetry into the cross-sectional relation between sensitivity to volatility …
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predict future returns, there is a significant relation between volatility spreads and expected stock returns. Portfolio level … the realized-implied volatility spread that can be viewed as a proxy for volatility risk. The results also provide … evidence for a significantly positive link between expected returns and the call-put options' implied volatility spread that …
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This paper documents that systematic volatility risk is an important factor that drives the value premium observed in … volatility risk, I document significant differences between volatility factor loadings of value and growth stocks. Furthermore …, when markets are classified into expected booms and recessions, volatility factor loadings are also time-varying. When …
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We document a significant positive relation between earnings announcement idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns in … with the highest earnings announcement idiosyncratic volatility and stocks with the lowest earnings announcement … idiosyncratic volatility exceeds 100 basis points in the 10 days leading up to the earnings announcements. The pricing of earnings …
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idiosyncratic volatility and expected returns for developed markets. This relationship has not been studied to date for emerging … markets. This study relates the current-month's idiosyncratic volatility to the subsequent month's stock returns for a sample …
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This article implements the minimum variance frontier for the stochastic discount factor, according to both Hansen and Jagannathan (1991) and Cochrane and Hansen (1992), for the Brazilian stock market. Two approaches are considered in terms of equity returns and equity premium, respectively, the...
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One of the main explanations for the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) puzzle (i.e., the negative relation between lagged …
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