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The key to identifying racial price differentials in housing markets is to test whether minority and non-minority buyers pay similar prices for comparable housing. The heterogeneous nature of the residential housing market and racial sorting of buyers into neighborhoods violates the...
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In this study, we analyse how, and to what extent, direct and indirect effects (spatial spillovers) matter when estimating price effects for a property location in a flood zone. Unlike the previous literature, we show the importance of indirect effects resulting from a neighbourhood being...
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This study estimated the effect of flood hazards on residential property values by applying a hedonic price model to house sale data from 2007 to 2013 in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Statistical Area. A difference-in-difference framework was used to estimate changes in the price discount...
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Education in Denmark is freely available. Despite near equal teacher salaries and per-pupil school expenditure across districts, there is substantial spatial heterogeneity in school quality as measured by teacher quality and student test scores. We argue that this is due to sorting of teachers...
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This research examines housing market price efficiency across locations within a metropolitan market the hallmark of hedonic theory. Our innovation is to introduce temporal as well as spatial considerations of price efficiency. In an efficient market, the price (level) of housing must not only...
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To develop a price index for the housing market in Italy, we adopt the hedonic approach which enables us to separate the price variations due to qualitative changes in housing attributes from pure price changes, i.e.intrinsic real estate price variations. The resulting index is munch more robust...
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We examine long-run house price convergence across the twenty Paris districts using a quarterly dataset that spans from 1991 to 2014. Our approach is based on two stages. In the first stage, we apply methods of unit root testing. Our econometric modelling exercise adopts a pair wise approach...
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This paper uses unique panel data covering over two million repeat-sales housing transactions from four metropolitan areas to test for the presence of racial price differentials in the housing market. Drawing on the strengths of these data, our research design controls carefully for unobserved...
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If mortgage borrowers default strategically, their future house price expectations should affect their present mortgage default decisions. Merging the Freddie Mac loan performance dataset with the Michigan Survey of Consumers data containing households' subjective expectations, this paper...
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This chapter considers the structure of mortgage finance in the United States and its role in shaping patterns of homeownership, the nature of the housing stock, and the organization of residential activity. We start by providing some background on the design features of mortgage contracts that...
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