Showing 81 - 90 of 839,757
We report 2,510 answers from professors from 65 countries and 934 institutions. 1,791 respondents use betas, but 107 of them do not justify the betas they use.97.3% of the professors that justify the betas use regressions, webs, databases, textbooks or papers (the paper specifies which ones),...
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The purpose of this article is to outline various cost-benefit financial evaluation methods for use in project appraisal with regard to private capital investment projects with the inclusion of uncertainty and risk allowance factors in determining the net expected financial return from a given...
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This paper contains the statistics of a survey about the Risk-Free Rate (RF) and the Market Risk Premium (MRP) used in 2019 for 69 countries. We got answers for 84 countries, but we only report the results for 69 countries with more than 8 answers.Due to “Quantitative Easing”, many...
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In this short note, we present a nontechnical retrospection on the unbearable longevity of the classic WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) for the Free Cash Flow (FCF) in perpetuity. Over the past two decades, researchers in finance have increased greatly our understanding of the properties...
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Regulators of many countries try to find the “true” WACC of Electricity, Gas, Water… activities. All their documents have in common a main confusion: they do not differentiate among expected, required, historical, and regulator allowed returns, which are 4 very different concepts. Most of...
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Spanish Abstract: Se presentan varios bonos interesantes. Algunos por su gran duración: bonos “la bella durmiente” (a 100 años, emitidos por Walt Disney Co. en 1993), bonos Matusalén (a 50 años), bonos perpetuos. Se analizan los bonos a 100 años y se comparan con un bono a 30 años y...
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Spanish Abstract: Esta nota recoge los10 errores más habituales con los que los autores se han encontrado al tratar con abogados en pleitos, en arbitrajes, en consejos de administración, en clase y en adquisiciones. Los errores que se comentan no son exclusivos de los abogados: participan de...
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Investment trajectories of new enterprises are a largely neglected but important issue of new firms' business behavior. This paper debuts in showing robust evidence of new venture investment time patterns by using investment time series of 4.733 new businesses. Based on a fixed effects nonlinear...
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