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subsidy can be as efficient as a carbon tax. Within a numerical dynamic general equilibrium model, we analyze CCS and …, can be a robust and low-cost temporary second-best policy. -- renewable energy subsidy ; supply-side dynamics ; green …
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emissions if and only if they lower the marginal product of dirty energy. The constrained-efficient subsidy equals the marginal … this more optimistic scenario, a clean subsidy generates significantly higher emissions and lower welfare than a tax on …
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emissions if and only if they lower the marginal product of dirty energy. The constrained-efficient subsidy equals the marginal … this more optimistic scenario, a clean subsidy generates significantly higher emissions and lower welfare than a tax on …
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subsidy can be as efficient as a carbon tax. Within a numerical dynamic general equilibrium model, we analyze CCS and …
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We develop and implement a new method for identifying wasted subsidies, and use it to provide systematic evidence on the misallocation of carbon offsets in the Clean Development Mechanism - the world's largest carbon offset program. Using newly constructed data on the locations and...
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If bioenergy has a less negative impact on the climate than fossil energy, it may be optimal to have a significant increase in the use of bioenergy over time. Due to the difference in the way the climate is affected by the two types of energy, the future time path of the use of bioenergy may be...
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This article describes and evaluates the effectiveness of the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009, also known as the “Cash for Clunkers” legislation. Under this law, Congress authorized persons trading in older and less fuel-efficient motor vehicles for newer and more...
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To decarbonize the power sector policy-makers need to commit to long-term credible rules for climate and energy policy. Otherwise, time-inconsistent policy-making will impair investments into low-carbon technologies. However, the future benefits and costs of decarbonization are subject to...
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Most businesses recoup their investments in property, plant, and equipment from theincome they earn from using those assets. When changes in markets, technology, or regulations reduce income from those assets or increase operating costs, businesses may not recover their full investments in those...
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