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The paper describes the main transmission channels of the spillovers of national fiscal policies to other countries within the euro area and investigates their magnitude using different models. In the context of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), fiscal spillovers are relevant for the accurate...
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). We find that there is a positive stock price response to monetary policy shock both aggregated and sectoral stock price …. In term of interaction between fiscal policy shock and stock market, we find that all sectors respond negative …
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This study considers the implications of alternative monetary policy regimes to deal with a laissez-faire fiscal policy rule, where the government completely spends resource revenue windfall contemporaneously. A three sector dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, which features key...
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This paper analyzes the implications of responding to either the model-based New Keynesian output gap or to its estimates, and in particular, a Hodrick-Prescott filtered output gap or a linearly detrended output gap. Responding to these estimates instead of to the “true” unobserved output...
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We estimate that U.S. monetary policy has sizable spillover effects on global economic activity. In response to a surprise increase in the federal funds rate of 25 basis points, real output in our sample of 44 countries declines on average by 0.9% after three years. We find that international...
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effects begin to be observed from the fifth month after the monetary shock occurred, with an average duration of two years …
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This paper proposes a simple explanation for the frequent appearance of a price puzzle in VARs designed for monetary policy analysis. It suggests that the best method of solving the puzzle implies a close connection between theory and empirics rather than the introduction of a commodity price....
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estimate this over-identified VAR model, I find that the policy shock transmits to real output through both the interest rate … and exchange rate channels, and the shock does not induce a departure from uncovered interest rate parity. I also find …. Finally, I find that Canadian variables significantly responds to the US federal funds rate shock, and external shocks are an …
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This paper studies the transmission of shocks and the trade-offs between stabilizing CPI inflation and alternative measures of the output gap in Ramses, the Riksbank's empirical dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of a small open economy. The main results are, first, that the...
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In the recent New Keynesian literature a standard assumption is that the price for which an intermediate good is sold to the final good firm is equal to the marginal costs of the intermediate good firm. However, there is empirical evidence that this need not to hold. This paper introduces price...
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