Showing 12,661 - 12,670 of 12,693
This paper discusses the sensitivity of the labor market outcome in the standard bargaining paradigms - monopoly union and efficient bargaining - to the existence of a budget constraint pending on the financing of the unemployment benefit. Consequences of how the unions value members and...
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This paper explores the introduction of collective risk-sharing elements in defined contri-bution pension contracts. We consider status-contingent, age-contingent and asset contingent risk-sharing arrangements. All arrangements raise aggregate welfare, as measured by equiva- lent variations....
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The aim of this paper is to study the impact on economic growth of public pension systems, both funded and unfunded, under different demographic scenarios with a competitive economy and a fixed labor supply. An OLG growth model is used with realistic demography, in which each individual can be...
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This paper examines the portability of social protection (old-age, retirement, and survivor benefits) in East Asia, particularly in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and analyzes possibilities for bilateral or multilateral cooperation in social security. It discusses evidence...
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All pension systems have been affected by the financial and economic crisis, although in different ways. This paper analyses the effects of the crisis on pension systems and the resulting responses and changes, and offers a theoretical interpretation of these responses. This interpretation...
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This paper analyses how much different cohorts can expect to contribute into the PAYGO-funded New Zealand Superannuation scheme, and contrasts it with the amount each cohort can be expected to obtain in benefits if the current scheme is continued. The analysis is based on historic census and...
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France has a track record of persistent general government deficits, partly reflecting pro-cyclical fiscal policies in upswings. This has resulted in a quadrupling of its public debt-to-GDP ratio since the 1970s to above 80% of GDP. Reducing public debt is crucial because a high level of public...
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En este artículo se describen los dos regímenes de pensiones extremos que se aplican actualmenteen el mundo: el de reparto simple y el de capitalización individual y se analizan sus efectossobre el ahorro, la inversión, crecimiento económico, empleo y bienestar, así como también...
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Este artículo examina el problema que plantea la cobertura pensional de los colombianos menos educados y más vulnerables. Relaciona las tendencias del mercado laboral con la baja cobertura pensional: el sesgo del empleo urbano moderno contra los menos educados ha generado para estos un ciclo...
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We study the effect of UI benefits in a typical developing country where the informal sector is sizeable and persistent. In a partial equilibrium environment we characterize the stationary equilibrium of an economy where policyholders may be employed in the formal sector, short-run unemployed...
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