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developments. The aim of this paper is to measure the latest price movements in different real estate markets in Germany and … forecast near-term price developments. Therefore we construct hedonic house price indices based on real estate advertisements … the mean squared forecast error (MSFE). While these models reduce the forecast error only slightly, forecast combination …
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possible to detect when using full-sample estimation information. On average, the forecast improvements attain about 20 …In this paper, we evaluate the forecasting ability of 145 indicators and ten types of forecast combination schemes to … facilitate substantial improvements of the forecasts, given the local nature of the real-estate markets. The forecast accuracy of …
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From 2014 until present, housing prices in Germany have been rising faster than consumer prices in all quarters except …
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From 2014 until present, housing prices in Germany have been rising faster than consumer prices in all quarters except …
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improving the forecasts, given the local nature of the real-estate markets. The forecast accuracy of different predictors is … sample size, the combinations of individual forecast do not improve the forecast accuracy. On average, the forecast …
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-of-sample forecasting exercise, we find that both pooling and accounting for spatial effects helps to substantially improve the forecast …
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-of-sample forecasting exercise, we find that both pooling and accounting for spatial effects helps to substantially improve the forecast …
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households and account for a large proportion of bank lending. In Germany, the housing accounts for more than a half of wealth of … increases have been observed in Germany. This raised doubts and fears in German society. On the one hand, it is feared that … Germany can follow the path of Spain, Ireland, and other bubble countries that ended in a severe economic crisis. On the other …
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We analyze the impacts of alternative submarket definitions when predicting house prices in a mass appraisal context, using both ordinary least squares (OLS) and geostatistical techniques. For this purpose, we use over 13,000 housing transactions for Louisville, Kentucky. We use districts...
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This paper estimates and compares methods of constructing disaggregated house price indices from existing house price models using individual sales data for Sydney. Nine alternative house price models are selected to cover the most frequently used methods in the literature: the mean model,...
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