Showing 501 - 510 of 517
This paper extends the concept of the exercise boundary as an analytical tool in determining when an optimizing agent might undertake an irreversible action under uncertainty. to situations where the objective function of optimizing agents depends on decisions taken by other agents. By using the...
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We consider a single-asset investment fund that in the absence of transactions costs would hold a constant amount of wealth in the risky asset. In the presence of market frictions wealth is allowed to fluctuate within a control band: Its upper (lower) boundary is chosen so that gains (losses)...
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The structure of farming activity under the provisions of the generalized regime of the Common Agricultural Policy involving both the first and second pillar elements is modelled. Independently of whether regulated agents exhibit unbounded or bounded rationality, the impact of the different type...
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The joint evolution of participating and complying firms in a public VA, along with the evolution of the pollution stock is examined. Replicator dynamics modeling participation and compliance are combined with pollution stock dynamics. Fast-slow selection dynamics are used to capture the fact...
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We develop a conceptual framework for valuing bioversity from an economic perspective. We consider bioversity important because of a number of characteristics or services that it provided of enhances. We attribute bioversity loss to economic activities related to decisions of private optimizing...
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We examine whether the use of the environment, proxied by CO2 emissions, as a factor of production contributes, in addition to con- ventional factors of production to output growth, and thus it should be accounted for in total factor productivity growth (TFPG) mea- surement and deducted from the...
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We analyze ecosystem management under `unmeasurable' Knightian uncertainty or ambiguity which, given the uncertainties characterizing ecosystems, might be a more appropriate framework relative to the classic risk case (measurable uncertainty). This approach is used as a formal way of modelling...
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The paper examines the relation between countries' state of the environment (defined as acceptable, marginal or unacceptable, according to values of ambient accumulation of pollutants) and stage of economic development (defined as low, middle and high income), using the concentration of sulphur...
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The simultaneous management, in an international context, of free-access renewable resources and transboundary pollution, is examined in a dynamic game framework. First-best outcomes under international cooperation are determined and compared to noncooperative outcomes when countries follow...
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Although there is widespread agreement about the dangers of global warming and the resulting need to cut down emissions, there does not seem to be general agreement about the exact form the policy should take or the timing of its adoption. Failure to adopt and implement policies against global...
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