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This paper summarizes and compares the events associated with two financial crises separated by 100 years, occurring in 1907 and 2007-2009. The dynamics of both crises have much in common. The commonalities inform and enrich the theories and research on the dynamics of financial crises. And they...
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The paper provides redesigned approaches in bank risk control, as result of the latest credit crisis. The study's framework links the credit crunch causes to Basel II (BII) and Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) implementation in SMBs. A threefold approach applies: • primary data (June...
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Using a large sample of U.S. mortgages, we document contagion effects in strategic mortgage defaults. These result from borrowers choosing to exercise their in the money default option. Our findings suggest this choice is influenced by the delinquency rate in surrounding zip codes after...
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We study the potential model instability problem with respect to mortgage default risk and examine to what extent it helps explain the default shock during the recent crisis. We find that econometric default risk models based on historical data can be unstable over time. Due to temporal shifts...
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This chapter describes the evolution of the Brazilian investment fund industry and the impact of domestic and international crises on investors, managers and the main types of funds offered in Brazil. In particular, it explores the effect of the subprime crisis and shows that the first wave of...
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Finanzkrise vorgeschlagen oder bereits politisch umgesetzt worden sind. …
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This paper develops a control-function methodology accounting for endogenous or mismeasured regressors in hazard models. I provide sufficient identifying assumptions and regularity conditions for the estimator to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Applying my estimator to the subprime...
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We present and discuss preliminary evidence suggesting that credit ratings significantly influenced prices for subprime mortgage-backed securities issued in the period leading up to the recent financial crisis. Ratings are closely correlated with prices even controlling for a rich set of...
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The banking sector is a complex system composed of a large number of stakeholders that interacts in a non-simple way continuously and which plays the key role in economic development of each country. The economies of developing countries like Albania are characterized by high demand for credit...
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Prior to the subprime crisis, mortgage brokers charged higher fees for subprime loans that turned out to be riskier ex post, even when conditioning on other risk characteristics. Borrowers who paid higher conditional fees were inherently more risky, not just because they paid higher fees. The...
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