Showing 31 - 40 of 167
This paper provides an empirical demonstration for a practical approach of efficiency evaluation against the background of limited data availability in some regulated industries. Here, traditional DEA may result in a lack of discriminatory power when high numbers of variables but only limited...
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Revenue cap regulation is often combined with systematic benchmarking to reveal the managerial inefficiencies when regulating natural monopolies. One example is the European energy sector, where benchmarking methods are based on actual cost data, which are influenced by managerial inefficiency...
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[Editorial] Eine moderne Infrastruktur ist die Grundlage für Deutschlands Wohlstand und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Die öffentlichen und privaten Unternehmen in der Energie- und Trinkwasserversorgung tragen dazu entscheidend bei. Ihr Auftrag, eine flächendeckende, qualitativ hochwertige und...
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Against the background of remunicipalisation trends in European public service sectors, this paper estimates firm-level productivity for German electricity retailers and tests whether the ownership type has a significant impact on productivity. We specify a production function for the retail...
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The efficient operation of sewerage services is impacted by various factors such as geographical and topographical conditions, diversity of vertical and horizontal organizational structure, ownership types, and level of public-private partnership. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport...
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Since early 2009, electricity and gas distribution in Germany has been subject to incentive regulation designed to ensure greater efficiency in electricity and gas grid operation. However, it remains to be seen how changes to the regulatory framework will affect the investment behavior of...
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Seit Anfang 2009 unterliegt die Energieversorgung in Deutschland der Anreizregulierung, durch die ein effizienter Betrieb von Strom- und Gasnetzen sichergestellt werden soll. Unklar ist allerdings, wie sich die veränderten regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen auf das Investitionsverhalten der...
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[Einleitung] Seit Anfang 2009 unterliegt die leitungsgebundene Energieversorgung in Deutschland der Anreizregulierung, durch die ein effizienter Betrieb von Strom- und Gasnetzen sichergestellt werden soll. Unklar ist allerdings, inwieweit die Anreizregulierung auch die richtigen...
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We empirically demonstrate a practical approach of efficiency evaluation with limited data availability in some regulated industries. We apply PCA-DEA for radial efficiency measurement to U.S. natural gas transmission companies in 2007. PCA-DEA reduces dimensions of the optimization problem...
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Subsidies are considered important means to facilitate the provision of public transit, yet the empirical evidence implies that they can have harming effects on costs and possibly also on operators' performance. This paper examines the impacts of deficit-balancing subsidies on the cost...
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