Showing 41 - 50 of 35,611
Common research suggests that investor sentiment is negatively related to future stock returns and positively related to future volatility. I incorporate this idea in the asset allocation process by blending both views on the expected return and the conditional value at risk (CVaR) based on...
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This article demonstrates how to directly incorporate common value investing ideas in the portfolio optimization process. Through minimizing the relative entropy, multiple value rankings are merged with the historical return distribution. This approach yields performance improvements both from a...
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This paper extends the use of Rao (1982b)'s Quadratic Entropy (RQE) to modern portfolio theory. It argues that the RQE of a portfolio is a valid, flexible and unifying approach to measuring portfolio diversification. The paper demonstrates that portfolio's RQE can encompass most existing...
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Expected returns and risk assessment are important issues when evaluating capital investment projects. We use VARX-MGARCH models and asset pricing theory to model the expected rate of return in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru for late 2006. The main objective of this paper is to present an...
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The theorems of existence of the ruptures have been proved. The ruptures can exist near the borders of finite intervals and of the probability scale. The theorems can be used, e.g., in economics and forecasting.
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We propose an asset pricing model where preferences display generalized disappointment aversion (Routledge and Zin, 2009) and the endowment process involves long-run volatility risk. These preferences, which are embedded in the Epstein and Zin (1989) recursive utility framework, overweight...
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We propose an asset pricing model where preferences display generalized disappointment aversion (Routledge and Zin, 2009) and the endowment process involves long-run volatility risk. These preferences, which are embedded in the Epstein and Zin (1989) recursive utility framework, overweight...
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A theorem of existence of ruptures in the probability scale has been proven. The theorem can be used, e.g., in economics and forecasting. It can assist to solve paradoxes such as Allais paradox and the “four-fold-pattern” paradox and to create the correcting formula of forecasting.
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The definition of arrangement infringement has been given. Several characteristics of hurricanes as large-scale events and objectives for the first stages of insurance data analysis have been sketched out. Scale hypotheses, insurance and investment problems have been formulated.
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