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The article discuss the relationship between US REITs and Japan REITs. In empirical study, we apply five static ARMAX-GJR-GARCH copula models and two time-varying dynamic copula models. The results show that the kendall tau is lower before the submortgage crisis. The contagion effect test...
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We study the relationship between the ownership structure of financial assets and non-fundamental risk. We define an asset to be fragile if it is susceptible to non-fundamental shifts in demand. An asset can be fragile because of concentrated ownership, or because its owners face correlated or...
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We model the behavior of a hypothetical investor who is interested in U.S. securities but is also interested in compliance with Islamic Investment Guidelines. We apply financial restrictions to 1990-2010 sample of Shariah-recommended REITs. In cumulative performance tests, we find an evidence of...
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Discount to net asset value (NAV) has been a long-standing problem for the Turkish REITs (TREITs) implying some serious weaknesses for the industry with some potential portfolio management problems. The goal of the paper is to explore main determinants of NAV discount in the context of rational...
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We develop a model for valuing U.S. real estate investment trusts (REITs) that considers the tax liability impounded in REITs' property portfolios. This liability is a function of the portfolio's accumulated depreciation and is driven by different tax rates applied to individual components of...
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This study analyses underpricing in a sample of 41 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) from the Spanish market between November 2013 and January 2019. The results show a significant underpricing on the initial-day (either when we compute raw or market-adjusted initial returns) concentrated in...
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Evidence presented in Dasgupta et al. (2011) indicates that financial institutions can be net buyers or sellers of a stock over consecutive quarters, implying the existence of trends in a stock's institutional ownership. I investigate the relation between institutional ownership and returns...
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Using a novel database, we show that the stock-price impact of analyst trade ideas is at least as large as the impact of stock recommendation, target price, and earnings forecast changes, and that investors following trade ideas can earn significant abnormal returns. Trade ideas triggered by...
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This paper tests whether mutual funds on aggregate matter for the equilibrium stock returns due to (i) uncertain fund flows, which directly affect fund size and managers' income; and (ii) time-varying liquidity costs of assets. I find the aggregate shocks to fund flows enter the pricing kernel in...
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