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Feedback from stock prices to cash flows occurs because information revealed by firms' stock prices influences the actions of competitors. We explore the implications of feedback within a noisy rational expectations setting with publicly listed and private firms. In our setting, stock prices are...
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We take a simple q-theory model and ask how well it can explain external financing anomalies, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our central insight is that optimal investment is an important driving force of these anomalies. The model simultaneously reproduces procyclical equity issuance...
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The same firm characteristics that help explain cross-sectional variation in expected stock returns, such as size, book-to-market and the earnings yield, also help explain cross-sectional variation in returns to trading in option-implied stock return volatility. This empirical phenomenon is...
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The CAPM is commonly used for an introduction of the equity cost in practice to calculate the corporate value, which is composed by the risk-free rate, equity market return and each respective beta. However, there is a fundamental complication between the risk, cost and return for the equity...
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We outline a framework in which accounting “valuation anchors" could be connected to expected stock returns. Under two general conditions, expected log returns is a log- linear function of a valuation (market value-to-accounting) multiple and the expected growth in the valuation anchor. We...
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The Black’s leverage effect hypothesis postulates that a negative stock return innovation increases the financial leverage of a firm since the value of equity decreases at a given level of debt, which, in turn, creates a higher equity return volatility in the future. The paper is aimed at...
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We show that the magnitude of the value premium over 1968-2018 is conditional on states of aggregate market-wide misvaluation. The value premium is 3.42% per month following market-wide undervaluation and 1.70% per month following market-wide overvaluation. When the aggregate market is neither...
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Return anomalies are most pronounced among distressed stocks. We attribute this finding to the role of misvaluation and investors' inability to value distressed stocks correctly. We treat distressed stocks as options and construct a valuation model that explicitly takes into account the value of...
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