Showing 61 - 70 of 952,903
inflation-targeting regime 19932002 with the policies implied by certain simple instrument rules. Calibrated rules that are … describe monetary policy about equally well. A close reading of various policy documents, e.g., Inflation Reports, minutes from …
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commitment model but a more balanced concern relative to inflation and output stability in the discretionary model …
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- within the set of binding policy rules for fiscal and monetary policy - it is found that flexible inflation targeting … dominates strict inflation targeting …
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macroprudential policies assign the top-most priority to inflation stabilization …
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We consider monetary-policy rules with inflation-rate targets and interest-rate or money-growth instruments using a …-target equilibria (BTE) with inflation always below target and constant, asymptotically approaching or eventually reaching a below …
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The Fiscal Stability Pact for EMU implies that constraints on fiscal policy facilitate inflation control. In this paper … inflation, a self-stabilising fiscal policy is required to ensure model stability. A fiscal policy which does not, by itself …
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This paper uses two game-theory models, where monetary policy is first ineffective and then effective, to illustrate a …
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This paper presents a toolkit1 for generating optimal policy projections. It makes five contributions. First, the toolkit requires a minimal set of inputs: only a baseline projection for target and instrument variables and impulse responses of those variables to policy shocks. Second, it solves...
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This paper examines optimal monetary policy under heterogeneous expectations. To this end, we develop a stochastic New Keynesian model with a cost-push shock and coexistence of one-step-ahead rational and adaptive expectations in decentralized markets. On the one side, heterogeneous expectations...
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interacting: central bank responds less aggressively to inflation when fiscal authority puts less attention on debt stabilisation …
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