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Using a measure of global political risk, relative to the U.S., that captures unexpected political conditions, we show … that political risk is priced in the cross section of currency momentum and contains information beyond other risk factors … such strategies are compensated for the exposure to the global political risk of those currencies they hold, i.e., the past …
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show lower credit default swap (CDS) spreads, they also exhibit flatter CDS implied credit curves. This implies a risk …
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Political risk, one of the most significant uncertainty shocks, affects firms' future attitudes toward risks and plays … a crucial role in their decision making. A stock price crash risk is a classical topic in financial markets; therefore …, this paper probes the relationship between firm-level political risk and stock price crash risk based on a sample of …
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This paper provides global evidence supporting the hypothesis that expected return models are enhanced by the inclusion of variables that describe the evolution of book-to-market-changes in book value, changes in price, and net share issues. This conclusion is supported using data representing...
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Theory has linked price momentum with price reversals (Barberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998), Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam (1998), and Hong and Stein (1999)). The models generally rely on behavioral descriptions of irrational investors who push prices beyond their fundamental value thus...
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assets as global investors don't require a risk premium for bearing global idiosyncratic volatility and that benefits from …
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This article studies the economic factors behind corporate default risk premia in Europe during the period 2006 … creditworthiness of the bond issuer from their remuneration for the risk that the bond's price will drop in the event of default. Our … results show that the risk premia associated with systematic factors influencing default arrivals represent approximately 40 …
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Buying profitable, undervalued stocks and shorting unprofitable, overvalued stocks yields significant return differentials in North America, Europe, Japan, and Asia. Using data from 1991-2016, we test Greenblatt's (2006) “Magic Formula” (MF) and find that a modified MF which uses gross...
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Closed-end country funds are interesting in that they have two sets of prices for the same underlying assets – the net asset value (NAV) of the fund holdings as measured using the underlying firms' stock prices in their home markets and the fund price at which the fund trades on a U.S. stock...
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Firm size is an essential factor in examining the relation between returns and idiosyncratic volatilities. This paper documents that, when the idiosyncratic volatility is specified by firm size, the size-portfolio idiosyncratic volatility is statistically significant in explaining the future...
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